Monday, 29 July 2013

Corrupted image art: more glitch

Photographer Melanie Willhide's work has been trending recently as an unexpected change was made to her practice - resulting in some really interesting images.

After having her laptop stolen and then returned to her, she tried to recover some of the work that has been wiped from her hard drive by the thief.

The process redeemed her files but they were corrupted, and the resulting visual is some really nice photography that has been informationally altered. I think that these glitch effects really enhance the already fascinating images by adding an additional narrative; the subjects (and the work) are placed into a different digital, context which as proved to be really popular all over the internet (and in person). What is so great about this work is that the effect was not intentional in any way. It will be interesting to see of the artist alters her practice to incorporate such a visual in the future - and whether or not that will be as successful as this collection, entitled To Adrian Rodriguez, With Love.

This story has only developed my interest in glitch from previous posts, and I'm going to do a bit more academic research into the subject.

via Slate